Hi chicken enthusiasts! It's time we had another get-together! Whether you've been involved in the pilot project or are just interested in hearing about the experiences of those who have, join us for a drink and chat.
Meet us on Saturday, February 6, 2016 at Brewsters Brewing Company & Restaurant - Century Park, 2335 111th Street, Edmonton, AB, Edmonton, Alberta T6J 5E5.
Join us for another Chickens 101, offered through the Devonian Botanic Garden, Thursday, February 4, 2016, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Urban chicken-keeping demystified. Topics include: coop design, breed selection, feeding and care, chicken health, biosecurity and many other tips and resources for keeping hens in the Edmonton region. Registration is through the Devonian Botanic Garden: $25.00. |
January 2024