Welcome to a further edition of our tour of some of the coops participating in Edmonton's Urban Hens Pilot Project. This is a smaller coop, built entirely of repurposed material, and yet sound and comfortable for the hens. The owner built it next to his garage for added protection in the winter, and under a tree for shade in the summer. The owner elected to start with older laying hens for the pilot project. At the time of the photo tour, each hen was approximately three years old, yet between them they produced several eggs each week. In addition, they provide great outdoor entertainment for the owner's daughter, and supply droppings that can be composted and used in the garden. In winter, the owner monitored the temperature and, during the coldest weather, used a single bulb for added heat. Features of the coop include a bird feeder and nipple-style waterer, both of which make minimal mess, and a naturalistic roost. The owner used wood shavings in the coop and gravel in the run, both of which were dry and clean The girls come outside from time to time to do a little backyard inspection and some freestyle gardening. Participating in the Pilot Project has been a great experience for the owner and, he believes, for his neighbours as well. He hopes that at the end of the Pilot Project Edmonton will decide to allow hens on a more permanent basis.
January 2025